
Christian mentoring seeks to offer a relationship for the personal, spiritual formation of the Mentoree. Mentoring for ministry leaders has proven to be a significant contributor to longevity, health and fruitfulness in ministry. As well as training mentors, CMR offers to connect those interested in a mentoring relationship with those trained in mentoring. Our mentoring focuses on the Christian character of the Mentoree and the skills required for leadership. Rather than using a set curriculum, our model of mentoring is shaped by the Mentoree’s personal objectives.

Please note that Healthy Churches can only provide direct mentoring to PCQ ministry staff, however we are happy to assist anyone interested in finding a mentor.

Under a typical mentoring arrangement, you will receive 10 x 1.5 hour Mentoring Sessions per year with the cost depending on the individual mentor but ranging from $50.00-$200.00 per session. Where possible, face to face mentoring is preferred but online mentoring is also available for those geographically isolated. Appointments are set up at times that work well for the life of the Mentor and Mentoree.

Read more about why Mentoring is vital for any Ministry Worker in the article by Kathy Thurston entitled, “Why Mentoring?

Contact us for more information.