Bearing Gospel Fruit
Equipping for vitality
Diagnostic tools for churches
Connect with training
Resources for health and fruitfulness
The Eldership Papers – Updated April 2024 These Eldership Papers are provided to support the training of elders…
PCQ Review 2021 A Review of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland (PCQ) was commissioned by the state Assembly…
Mentor Equipping Queensland has been set up to expand the pool of Christian Mentors in Queensland.
In the video linked below Dave Thurston helps us think about eldership in a sermon from 1 Timothy…
In an earlier article entitled Love vs Loyalty, I explored the danger of using a framework of ‘capital…
The Johari Window resource is a helpful framework for thinking about ourselves and two aspects that help us…
Guilt: ‘I’ve done something wrong.’ Shame: ‘Something is wrong with me and others can see it.’ Understanding Guilt…
Grief: Disappointed, Unhappy, Upset, Dissatisfied, Discouraged, Tired, Loss, Misunderstood, Sick, Grieving, Lost, Heartbroken, Sorrowful, Distressed, Hopeless, Dejected, Hurt,…
Anger: Irritated, Touchy, Critical, Sarcastic, Frustrated, Annoyed, Hostile, Jealous, Defiant, Intolerant, Provoked, Furious, Violent, Hating, Mad, Angry, Exasperated,…
Browse below to find ‘collections’ of resources that either have been produced as a series or are complementary on a particular topic.
Dealing With Conflict Healthy churches are committed to dealing with everyday conflict in a healthy manner. To that…
Healthy & Fruitful Leadership Biblical Christian leadership in our churches is critical to the health of…
Emotional & Social Intelligence Emotional and Social Intelligence describes the capacities of awareness and regulation of the…