In late April of 2020, the PCQ Committee on Ministry Resourcing sent Tim Dyer’s paper, Increasing Resilience in Adversity (COVID-19 version, March 2020) to all ministry workers of the denomination. A team of people followed this up with a phone call which asked our ministry workers to identify the two most significant issues impacting their ministry and leadership as a result of COVID-19 from the list of 10 outlined in the paper. They were then asked to identify the two most significant strategies for building resilience from the 10 strategies suggested in the paper. These could be strategies they are already implementing and finding helpful, or strategies that they have found important to grow, because of the new situation they are finding themselves in.

COVID Questionnaire Initial Results & Responses – PDF Download

Healthy Churches is an initiative of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland (PCQ), Committee for Ministry & Resourcing (CMR).
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